Which is true of the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act?

Which is true of the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act?

9. Which is true of the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act? It allows employers to provide lower benefits for older workers as long as the costs to provide those benefits are the same as the costs to provide benefits for younger workers.

Which is the best question for Joe to ask himself when deciding whether?

Which is the best question for Joe to ask himself when deciding whether to open a checking or savings account? Why am I opening a bank account? In which category do commodities belong? in one lump sum.

Which explains Lauren’s error?

Which explains Lauren’s error? Lauren made an error in step 3 because she should have subtracted the expenses from the income. A____ form must be filled out when someone is hired for a job to determine how much income tax will be withheld.

Does a depression always follow a recession?

Does a depression always follow a recession? No, a depression is indicated when the recession is exceptionally long.

Which is considered a good credit practice?

Which is considered a good credit practice? Pay more than the minimum amount that is due. This table can be used to organize Gigi’s credit card balances and payments over 6 months. The annual percentage rate on the credit card is 14%.

Which FICO score do auto lenders use?

For other types of credit, such as personal loans, student loans and retail credit, you’ll likely want to know your FICO® Score 8, which is the score most widely used by lenders.

What’s better FICO or TransUnion?

For example, the VantageScore credit score is based on a scale from 500 to 990 – whereas FICO (the original credit scoring model created by Fair Isaac Corporation) is based on a scale from 300 to 850….TransUnion® Credit Monitoring.

Bureaus Checked 3 Bureaus
Monthly Cost $99.95/year
Reputation Score 8.5/10

What is the catch with 0 percent financing?

The answer is that it usually isn’t the bank doing the lending but rather the automaker itself. The way an automaker can make money with a zero percent deal is simple: It still earns the same amount it would earn on any car deal, but now the money is earned over a longer span.

What credit check do car dealers use?


Will CarMax finance anyone?

Yes. We offer financing through several finance sources, including CarMax Auto Finance, a division of CarMax. Most of our customers’ financing decisions are available in 20 minutes or less.

Is CarMax finance good?

If you’re looking for a no-haggle used car that you can buy online or at one of 220 brick-and-mortar stores, CarMax could be a good fit. It offers competitive starting rates through its own lending arm, CarMax Auto Finance, or one of its eight lending partners.

Should I buy from CarMax?

We spoke with a few buyers and sellers, and our general opinion is that yes CarMax is good. The sellers enjoyed their car sales services because the price offered – while a bit under full value – was fair. The CarMax extended warranty also came in handy for several of our happy customers.

Are CarMax cars overpriced?

They are overpriced. For some people the benefit of not having to haggle, a large nationwide selection to chose from, and (according to them) a pre-inspected vehicle is worth the extra price. For me I’d rather haggle multiple dealers to get the best price but to each his own.