Which word does amiable not correspond to?

Which word does amiable not correspond to?

ANTONYMS FOR amiable 2 unfriendly, hostile.

How do you say the word amiable?

Other Words from amiable

  1. amiability \ ˌā-​mē-​ə-​ˈbi-​lə-​tē \ noun.
  2. amiableness \ ˈā-​mē-​ə-​bəl-​nəs \ noun.
  3. amiably \ ˈā-​mē-​ə-​blē \ adverb.

What’s a fancy word for pretty?

What is another word for pretty?

attractive lovely
good-looking appealing
beautiful fetching
charming cute
sweet nice

Should you call a girl pretty vs beautiful?

You should start by saying beautiful. In my opinion, if you just met her, you want to make the best impression. As you two get to know each other then revert to gorgeous. Because you want to sound like you respect her and be in good boundaries, but at the same time compliment her.

What does it mean when a girl calls me beautiful?

It’s because she really find you attractive. It’s a really good compliment that you can receive from someone. It mean that your relationship is in the right direction. It mean that your relationship is in the right direction. You should also compliment her and try to seduce her, surprise her once in a while.

What does it mean when a guy calls you pretty lady?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when a guy calls a girl “pretty lady”? It simply means that he finds her facial features attractive for him .

What does it mean when a guy says a girl is pretty?

He has acknowledged that you are attractive intellectually and physically more than he ever imagined. When a guy simply says that you are cute, he thinks you are a toy. It’s like tellingthe fat girl that she has a pretty face, or an ugly person that they have a nice attitude.

What to say when a guy calls you gorgeous?

What you need to do right now is to use these tips on what to say to your boyfriend when he calls you beautiful;

  1. You Are So Hot.
  2. You Are The Most Handsome Guy I’ve Ever Known.
  3. You Are So Kind.
  4. You Are So Smart.
  5. I Am So Lucky To Be Yours.
  6. You Make Me Feel So Special.
  7. You Are Sweeping Me Off My Feet.
  8. Your Smile Makes Me Smile.