Who is the strongest Balrog?

Who is the strongest Balrog?


How many balrogs are left?

In Tolkien’s later writings, he made note of the fact that there could not have ever been more than seven Balrogs, yet they were able to drive away Ungoliant in what was described as a “tempest of fire”. In another early writing, the Lord of the Balrogs was named Lungorthin.

Why is Sauron evil?

Thinking he could gain it for himself or become Sauron’s servant alone, Saruman allied Isengard with Mordor in the War of the Ring, in which he was defeated. However, his deep study of the Rings of Power and Sauron’s other magic corrupted him, and his overweening lust for power led to his downfall.

Is Balrog stronger than Sauron?

Balrogs are not actually that powerful. In the Morgoth’s Ring “Orcs” essay Balrogs are explicitly stated to be less powerful than Sauron. This is borne out by the fact that heroes of the First Age could defeat Balrogs (admittedly dying themselves in the attempt), but Felagund could not overcome Sauron.

Who is the most powerful person in LOTR?

Answer by Stephen Tempest: God is the most powerful entity in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe. The Elvish name for him is actually Eru Ilúvatar, meaning “the one, father of all.” So the question becomes: Who is the second-most powerful being?

Is Tom Bombadil God?

In Tolkien’s legendarium, God is Eru, also known as Ilúvatar, the great creator of the world (see the Ainulindalë and Valaquenta chapters of the Silmarillion). First, the obvious counter-arguments. Tolkien himself was not keen on the idea.

Can you kill a Nazgul?

Yes, it is possible, though very difficult. It happens on the Fields of the Pelennor, where the Witch-King of Angmar was destroyed. It was foretold that “not by the hand of man he would die”. He was slain by Éowyn, who was afterwards known as the Lady of the Shield-arm, and Meriadoc.

Why do Nazgul hate water?

Water all his servants shunned, and to the sea none would willingly go nigh, save in dire need.” So the reason Sauron’s servants the Nazgûl feared water was because some small amount of Ulmo’s power continued to flow through it.

Are Ringwraiths blind?

They are not blind per se, but they exist in – and see – in… err… the best SciFi term would be an alternate/parallel dimension (what Tolkien called “the shadow realm”). They exist in the spirit world more than real one.

Are Merry and Pippin lovers?

Merry and Pippin are blood relatives, first cousins in fact. The things they do together are done out of love, yes. A very strong bond that is undeniable in both the books and movies. They both go on to marry two Hobbit lasses some time after the Return of the King, and Pippin even names one of his sons after Faramir.

How old is Pippin in human years?

The Lord of the Rings: Age of selected characters

Character Age in years
Samwise Gamgee 39
Merry 37
Faramir 36
Pippin 29

Is Frodo a boy or girl?

The name Frodo is a boy’s name. An admirable meaning, with roots in a Germanic word meaning wisdom, but we fear it will never be detached from the hobbit hero of The Lord of the Rings.

Does Frodo die?

No, Frodo does not die in the third installment of ‘Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King’ in either the book or movie. Frodo takes her spot on the last ship to the undying lands with Bilbo, Gandalf, Galadriel and her husband Celeborn and finally Elrond.

What age did Frodo die?

Only Arwen was with him at the end. He passed beyond the Circles of the World on his birthday, March 1, Fourth Age 120. He was 210 years old. Arwen went alone to Lothlorien, where she died the following winter.

Is Legolas a mortal?

Legolas is an elf, so he is immortal. However, he is only immortal in the sense that he will never die of old age or sickness. He can die in battle.

How did Frodo Baggins die?

He was able to resist their attempt to take him by drawing his sword and invoking the name of one of the Valar, Elbereth Gilthoniel. Unfortunately, the leader of the Nazgûl, the Witch-king of Angmar, stabbed Frodo in the shoulder (he would have stabbed his heart) with a Morgul-knife.

How old is Frodo human years?

Frodo was 33 years old. But Hobbits live to 100 years on average; so by going by an average human lifespan of 70 years, Frodo would be about 23 in human years.

Did Bilbo Baggins die?

On September 29, he, Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, and Frodo boarded a ship docked at the Grey Havens and sailed away from Middle-earth. His fate afterward is not known but as he too was a mortal being, he most likely died in the light of the Blessed Realm of Valinor.

Is the undying lands heaven?

No, the undying lands were in the beginning simply where the Valar decided to make their homes. Something I saw that helped clear the subject for me was that the Undying Lands are called that because the undying (Elves, Maiar, Valar) live there, not because it is heaven.

Did Legolas ever marry?

Legolas never marries. The closest he gets is spending the rest of his life, as far as we know, with Gimli; they travel around Middle Earth for decades together, and eventually Gimli is given special dispensation to travel to the Undying Lands with his “friend” Legolas—the only dwarf ever to do so.

Do you die in the undying lands?

Yes, every mortal who goes to Aman (the Undying Lands) will eventually die. The Undying Lands were likely called that because immortals dwelled in them, not because they granted immortality. The Valar had neither the power nor the right to confer ‘immortality’ upon them.

Can you return from the undying lands?

Either way, they’re not coming back. Mortals are not allowed into the Undying Lands, no matter what.