Why am I not getting my bah?

Why am I not getting my bah?

The most common reason for a smaller than expected BAH payment is due to the payment being pro- rated based on the number of days in the month that a student is enrolled. Also, a student must attend more than half-time to receive the housing allowance payment.

How long does it take for BAH to start after getting married?

He said that he can’t put in any of the paperwork for it or to get approved to live off base until we have the marriage certificate, and after all the paper work is filled out it takes about two months.

Can drill sergeants hit you?

Except this is the new Army, an army that no longer allows drill sergeants to be cussing, ranting, abusive beasts. They cannot slap, hit, kick, punch or call privates names anymore.

How many pushups do you do in basic training?

35 push

Is 14 pull-ups good?

Men should be able to perform at least 8 pull-ups, and 13-17 reps is considered fit and strong. And women should be able to perform between 1-3 pull-ups, and 5-9 reps is considered fit and strong.

How many calories do you eat at basic training?

“They are not forced to eat meat.” Recruits also have access to vegetarian boxed meals and field rations. Male recruits consume approximately 3,950 calories, and females consume approximately 2,700 calories each day, said Bouknight.

How do soldiers lose weight?

It is recommended that you spend a good amount of time getting into cardio condition by swimming, biking, elliptical training, rowing, even walking vs running until you drop 40-​​50lbs. When you are not doing cardio, add resistance training to build your muscles — which will help you burn more fat over time.

How can I lose 40 pounds quickly?

So, to get rid of one pound per week you need to cut your calorie intake by 500 calories a day, and to shed 2 pounds you have to cut it by 1,000 calories. If you do simple math, this implies that by losing 2 pounds per week you’ll need approximately 4-5 months to lose 40 pounds.