Why did God withhold the gift of rest from man?

Why did God withhold the gift of rest from man?

God has to withhold the gift of rest from man knowing full well that His other treasures would one day result in spiritual restlessness and fatigue in man. The material gifts would tire him and he eventually would turn to God in exhaustion.

Is it ever right to withhold the truth?

There are two main situations in which it is justified to withhold the truth from a patient. As noted above, if the physicians has compelling evidence that disclosure will cause real and predictable harm, truthful disclosure may be withheld.

How do you withhold?

The verb withhold means to deduct from a payment and hold back. Your job will withhold money from your paycheck for things like taxes. You may also choose to withhold money from your check for healthcare, retirement, and numerous other voluntary accounts. The past tense of the verb withhold is withheld.

What does not withhold mean?

What Is Withholding? Withholding is the portion of an employee’s wages that is not included in his or her paycheck but is instead remitted directly to the federal, state, or local tax authorities. Withholding reduces the amount of tax employees must pay when they submit their annual tax returns.

Can you sue a doctor for withholding information?

Failing to provide you with accurate information – or outright withholding that information – is considered malpractice. If you are injured because your physician failed to communicate your diagnosis, lab results, or treatment options thoroughly, you should speak with a medical malpractice lawyer immediately.

Is withholding the truth the same as lying?

Withholding information is the suppression of truth rather than the expression of untruth that characterises a lie. Both are designed to deceive, but withholding information makes a secret of the truth – it doesn’t distort it. Lying depends on spoiling the truth, and so undermines the very basis of justice.

What lying does to a person?

Lying can be cognitively depleting, it can increase the risk that people will be punished, it can threaten people’s self-worth by preventing them from seeing themselves as “good” people, and it can generally erode trust in society.