Why is decluttering so difficult?

Why is decluttering so difficult?

Fear is a powerful motivator, and fear can make the decluttering process difficult. It’s hard to let go of our unused and unwanted possessions when we are motivated by fear. Fear keeps us trapped, stuck in the past. Fear holds us back from our best future.

How does decluttering make you feel?

3 Simple Reasons Why Getting Rid of Stuff Feels Good

  1. Less Negative Energy; More Opportunities. After more than 13 years of mindfully decluttering and organizing, nothing is more clear to us than this: clutter has an impact on your energy (learn more here!).
  2. Less Mental Work; More Ease and Calm.
  3. Less Frustration; More Time!
  4. 6 Comments.

Why do I feel like getting rid of everything?

You are probably feeling overwhelmed. When we want to get rid of stuff it is because we feel tied to it, feel cluttered, and likely confused. A lot of people go through a phase where they collect many material things because they thought it would make them happy. You will feel refreshed and leaner after the purge.

Can decluttering help anxiety?

If cleaning and decluttering helps ease your stress, reduces your anxiety, and lifts your mood, then by all means grab your cleaning tools and get started. After all, a messy or cluttered home can be distracting. Just be sure your cleaning habits aren’t a crutch.

How do you declutter anxiety?

Anxiety helps:

  1. Breathe and identify any faulty thinking.
  2. Take a break and get out of the house to clear your thoughts.
  3. Get some support.
  4. Spend some time free-writing.
  5. Remember to practice self-care.
  6. Focus on creating one peaceful area in your home, then expand from there.

How does cleaning help anxiety?

It makes sense that the benefits of an uncluttered environment would lead to reduced feelings of anxiety. If a clean house, or the act of cleaning itself, reduces stress and increases feelings of productivity, then those things should help decrease levels of anxiety.

How do you deal with cleaning anxiety?

Work around the room systematically, making sure to work slowly and take your breaks. If your anxiety is being triggered, stop. Come back to it when it’s passed. Give yourself a set limit on what you’re doing (“I’m doing three 20/10s and then I’m done for today”), and hold yourself to do it.

Why am I suddenly obsessed with cleaning?

Those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) will have a great need or compulsion to clean or perform cleaning rituals so that they feel in control. When they cannot keep up with these things, they feel as if their life is falling apart.

Is cleaning a sign of anxiety?

Temporary anxiety can lead to cleaning more meticulously, according to a 2015 study from University of Connecticut. Researchers theorized that people gravitate toward repetitive behaviors (such as cleaning) during times of stress.

How can I stop my anxiety cycle?

To break the anxiety cycle, you need to become aware of the cycle. So instead of letting your anxious thoughts and feelings drive your behavior, you’ll learn to slow down your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.