How much does a contested divorce cost in NY?

How much does a contested divorce cost in NY?

The index fee for divorce in NY is $210. The minimum filing fee for uncontested divorce in NY is $335, which includes the index fee. For contested divorces, the attorney fees, court fees, and costs of mediation or litigation can add up to much more even tens of thousands of dollars.

How much does a contested divorce cost in Alabama?

Costs associated with divorce varies based on the property and other issues, such as child custody, that are involved but in general, the website found the divorce filing fee in Alabama is $208 with an average hourly attorney fee of $296.

How long does a contested divorce take in New York?

about 9 months

What happens if a divorce petition is contested?

Ultimately a Judge will decide whether the person who started the divorce (the Petitioner) is entitled to the divorce, based on the evidence given. If a divorce is contested and the Respondent is unsuccessful, it is usual for the Court to make an Order which says the Respondent must pay the Petitioner’s costs.

Who fills out the divorce decree?

These forms ask the judge to approve of the Decree without a hearing. Only one party needs to complete these forms (usually the Plaintiff).