Do you have to do mediation before court?

Do you have to do mediation before court?

The court process You may wish to seek legal advice if you think you do not need to attend. However, you will need to attend some form of mediation before applying to court. Going to court is expensive, time consuming and you may not end up with a result you agree with.

Can you say no to mediation?

Or they are the respondent, who is being lead unwittingly toward the court. By trying mediation, a couple has nothing to lose and everything to gain, starting with their self-respect. The answer of course, is yes, you can refuse.

What happens if you refuse court ordered mediation?

Sometimes the court will suggest that you attend mediation. However, the court may also order you to attend mediation with CJC or another mediation service. If a court has ordered you to attend mediation and you refuse, you will be in breach of a court order, which may have consequences.

Who pays for court ordered mediation?

At mediation, you can have a mediator that’s appointed by the court, and in that case it is free of charge to all of the parties. Other times, you’ll engage a private mediator.

Who decides the outcome with a mediator?

In a mediation, since the outcome must be accepted by both parties and is not decided by the mediator, a party’s task is to convince, or to negotiate with, the other side. It addresses the other side and not the mediator, even though the mediator may be the conduit for communications from one side to the other.