Does it matter who files for divorce first in Colorado?

Does it matter who files for divorce first in Colorado?

From a legal standpoint, no. However, while it makes no difference to the judge in Colorado which party files for divorce, filing first can have some personal advantages depending on your situation. Additionally, according to Forbes, filing first allows you to decide the jurisdiction that will govern your divorce.

How much does it cost to file for divorce in Colorado Springs?

The current filing fee for a divorce petition is $195. If you file any other petitions or motions (requests) in your divorce proceeding, you’ll be charged additional fees.

Does it matter which party files for divorce?

No. Either party to a marriage can apply for divorce. It does not matter whether both parties want a divorce. The main advantage of applying together is that there is then no need for one party to serve the divorce application on the other party.

Does it matter who petitions for divorce first?

While the outcome will always come out that the couple will be separated legally no matter who initiates the divorce, it does matter who divorces whom. This means that the partner who files the petition for a divorce will not seek an order for costs against the other.

Who is more likely to initiate a divorce?

However, research since the 1940s has revealed that among heterosexual couples, women are more responsible for initiating divorce than men and that divorced women are typically happier after ending their marriages (Brining & Allen, 2000; Rosenfeld, 2016).