Is my wife entitled to half my assets?

Is my wife entitled to half my assets?

Under California’s community property laws, assets and debts spouses acquire during marriage belong equally to both of them, and they must divide them equally in a divorce.

Do I still have to pay the mortgage if I move out?

Do you have to pay the mortgage if I move out? It is common for one person to move out if the relationship breaks down. If this is the case then the person who moves out is still liable to make full repayment of the mortgage repayments.

What happens to a mortgage if a couple split up?

Paying the mortgage after separation A joint mortgage means you’re both liable for the mortgage until it has been completely paid off – regardless of whether you still live in the property. If you miss a payment or fall behind on payments, it will negatively affect both yours and your ex-partner’s credit report.

Can you sell a house if you own half?

Joint ownership of a property simply refers to two people who each have a share in their property. Typically, if one person wants to sell the property then both parties need to agree in order for the sale to go ahead without having to involve the Courts.

Can I be forced to sell my share of a property?

A If you and your co-owners are tenants in common – and so each own a distinct share of the property – then yes you can force a sale. If there is no such wording you are all joint tenants and will need to sever the joint tenancy before you are in a position to apply to a court for the “order for sale”.

What are the disadvantages of shared ownership?

Are there any downsides to shared ownership?

  • You are still a tenant. As you are still paying rent on a portion of the property, you remain a tenant of your landlord.
  • Stamp duty. As described above, you may not qualify for the first-time buyer exemption.
  • Service charge.
  • The lease.
  • Sub-letting.

Can siblings force the sale of inherited property?

Yes, siblings can force the sale of inherited property with the help of a partition action. If you don’t want to hold on to an inheritance given to you by parents, you might want to sell. But you’ll need all the cards in your hand if you have to convince your brothers and sisters to sell, too.

Can a beneficiary stop the sale of a property?

A beneficiary has the right to seek court intervention to stop a Trustee from selling any asset. Of course, court intervention takes time and money, which the beneficiary must pay in order to stop the sale. Be forewarned, your powers to stop sales or recover assets that are sold can be severely limited.

Do you have to report the sale of inherited property?

For information on the FMV of inherited property on the date of the decedent’s death, contact the executor of the decedent’s estate. If you sell the property for more than your basis, you have a taxable gain.

Can I sell my half of inherited property?

The short answer to this question is “yes.” If the majority of siblings want to sell the inheritance, they can take the issue to court. The court will require the home to be sold. Once the sale has been completed and the money has been added to the estate, it will be dispersed to the heirs as stipulated in the will.