What is the purpose of the Government in the Sunshine Act?

What is the purpose of the Government in the Sunshine Act?

Also known as the Open Meetings Act, its primary function is to ensure that decisions regarding the federal government that affect the public are open and accessible to the public.

How does the Supremacy Clause settle disputes between the state and national government?

The supremacy clause joins the national government and the states government into a federal government. Disputes among states are dealt with by saying that the supreme clause is the ultimate law that everyone must follow. during disputes, national government does have more power over the states.

Who is responsible for settling a conflict between two states?

Constitution Scavenger hunt

Question Answer
Who has the power to settle disputes between different states? Judicial power shall extend to all cases arising under the constitution including arguments between two or more states

How does the 10th Amendment conflict with the supremacy clause?

The Supremacy clause establishes that federal laws/United States Constitution take precedence over state laws/state constitutions. The Tenth Amendment establishes that powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states.

Why does he believe the supremacy clause found in Article 6 is so calamitous?

The government will possess absolute and uncontrollable power. 5. Why does he believe the supremacy clause found in Article 6 is so calamitous? They have the power to lay unlimited taxes to the amount they require, but it is perfect and absolute to raise them in any mode they please.

What does Brutus 1 argue?

Brutus 1 argued that federal power was bad and that the Constitution gives too much power to the federal government. That’s why Brutus said a representative democracy would only create an elite group of people that lead the country because they would concentrate power.

What did Brutus argue?

Brutus argued that under the Necessary and Proper Clause, Congress would be able to repeal state fundraising laws. Therefore, the government is complete, and no longer a confederation of smaller republics. According to Brutus, there was no limit upon the legislative power to lay taxes, duties, imposts, and excises.

Which form of government is most likely to preserve?

Small republics are more likely to preserve and protect personal liberties, as the people are the sovereign, and their sentiments are communicated by themselves which is why it must be limited so that the people can conveniently assemble and debate.

What is a large national republic?

Explanation: Large national republic or Federalist form of government is more likely to preserve personal liberties as they are formed within the common people and was largely supported by them. Also, they opposed the bill of rights and believed that personal freedom is being projected by the state and constitution.

Can a larger republic based on the principle of consent of the governed sufficiently protect?

The correct answer is Yes. A larger republic, based on the principle of consent of the governed can sufficiently protect the rights and liberties of the individual states and people.

What does Yates say about Congress’s power to tax?

Congress could tax citizens as much as they wanted. What does Yates say about Congress’s power to tax? He believes that state governments will have basically no power. He believes small republics will not be able to function under the large republic.

What authority is the most of any power that can be granted?

It is proper here to remark, that the authority to lay and collect taxes is the most important of any power that can be granted; it connects with it almost all other powers, or at least will in process of time draw all other after it; it is the great mean of protection, security, and defence, in a good government, and …

Why do you think Brutus is against standing armies?

Why do you think Brutus is against standing armies? He believed they proved the destruction of our freedom and ruined the spirit of the free republic.