Where can I get a legal question answered for free?

Where can I get a legal question answered for free?

Where can I get legal advice? Our lawyers give free legal advice at locations across New South Wales including legal aid offices, courts, community organisations, prisons and hospitals. Call the free legal help line LawAccess NSW on to find a service near you or search for a Legal Aid NSW service near you.

Can I ask a lawyer questions for free?

Ask A Lawyer is a free offering on Lawyers.com where consumers can ask legal questions and seek answers from our extensive network of attorneys. Attorneys can spend as little or as much time as they want answering Ask A Lawyer questions. There is no commitment to a set number of questions to be answered.

How can I talk to a lawyer?

Tips for Talking to an AttorneyAlways be as honest and candid as possible about the facts of your case. Ask questions if you don’t understand something that your attorney mentions or explains to you.Approach an attorney about your case as soon as you think you may need one. Be proactive in finding out how your attorney expects to be compensated.

Why won’t lawyer take my case?

A lawyer will consider the possible damages that may be awarded in the best case scenario. If these damages are less than the fee that he or she would likely collect, the lawyer will likely not take the case and recommend that the client not pursue it. plaintiffs who do not have the necessary funds to pursue a case.

Do lawyers take cases they can’t win?

Lawyers generally will not take cases where they know they cannot do anything at all to help the client. Plaintiffs- if the attorney is taking a case on a contingency, they want cases with good facts and good damages.