How long does it take to divorce in Montana?

How long does it take to divorce in Montana?

30 to 90 days

How do I start over after a divorce with no money?

Enquire About Financial Support From The Local Government You might be able to get food stamps or housing assistance and they’re helpful for you to start over after a divorce with no money and until you get a job.

How long does a wife get alimony?

In mid-term marriages, alimony is favored and may last 1-5 years beyond the date of divorce. The longer the mid-term marriage (for example 17 years), the more maintenance is favored. In long-term marriages, alimony is favored and can exceed 5 years in duration, even awarded up to a lifetime award (to retirement age).

When can alimony be denied?

Most jurisdictions will allow the court to award alimony after denying or not addressing it where the divorce judgment were reached in error, due to such factors as fraud, accident, or mistake. This might happen when one spouse was hiding assets or where the Court made a math error in calculating alimony.