What county is Bozeman Montana located in?

What county is Bozeman Montana located in?

Gallatin County

What are the winters like in Bozeman Montana?

Bozeman has characteristically mild winters. The average coldest month is January with typical winter temperatures ranging from a low of 15 degrees to a high of 55 degrees. The lowest recorded temperature was -43°F in 1936.

What is the average income in Bozeman Montana?

$46,422 a year

Where is the warmest part of Montana?


What town in Montana gets the most snow?

Cooke City’s

Does Bozeman have snow?

Bozeman averages 63 inches of snow per year.

What is the average snowfall for Bozeman Montana?

73.1 inches

What city gets the least amount of snow in Montana?


Does Montana get tornadoes?

Montana typically sees several tornadoes every year in the spring, particularly in the eastern part of the state. Unlike those in “Tornado Alley” in the central part of the country, most Montana tornadoes are relatively small and usually touch down in sparsely-populated areas – but not always.

Does all of Montana get snow?

Winters in Montana, while usually cold, have few extended cold spells. Annual snowfall in Montana reach up to 300 inches (25 feet) in the Rocky Mountains in the western half of the state; the east may get as little as 20 inches. Most of the larger cities have annual snowfall within the 30- to 50-inch range.