Who first owned my house?

Who first owned my house?

To find your home’s previous owners or purchase history, you’ll have to search your county tax assessor’s office, county recorder, or your city hall. “At times we may search them all,” Chantay says.

How do I find the building plans for my house UK?

How To Find Building Plans For My HouseVisit Your Local Municipality Office. Contact Your Realtor. Contact The Home’s Former Owners. Contact The Building Inspector’s Office. Talk To Neighbours. Consult Fire Insurance Maps. Contact Your Architect Or Contractor. Check Other Sources For Information.

Can I see my Neighbours building plans?

Neighbours can request to see the plans of the complying development, however, there is no obligation for the applicant to make these available.

Where can I find old building plans?

Where can I find old architectural plans and drawings?Government buildings. For government buildings try the relevant state archives. Commercial or residential buildings. For commercial or residential buildings you may find archives in relevant state libraries or museums, local councils or local historical societies.Architecture collections. Other resources.

What happens if you don’t get a permit for a remodel?

Without a permit, changes made to the home could have serious flaws that could lead to structural problems, instability, leaks, fires and mold. In general, unpermitted work can create unsafe living conditions for the people in the house.

How do I find blueprints?

Visit the county clerk’s office in the county where your home resides. This may be called the county recorder or land registrar in some municipalities. Once there, request copies of the blueprints on file for the property.