Should a man get a male or female divorce attorney?

Should a man get a male or female divorce attorney?

The sex of your attorney may not matter to a judge, nor affect their skill in helping you reach settlement. That said, you may feel more comfortable working with an attorney of one sex or the other, and that’s perfectly fine. Choosing a divorce attorney is a very personal decision.

Can you kick your husband out of the apartment?

When a home or apartment is in one person’s name only, does that mean that that person can force his or her spouse to move? In general, the answer is no. Technically, if there is no temporary order in place preventing it, the person on the lease or mortgage could attempt to evict their spouse using legal means.

What is stonewalling in a marriage?

Stonewalling is a dismissal of what is good for the marriage and both spouses in favor of what is good for the one spouse. This is typically what happens, the wife nags, the husband becomes defensive and stonewalls by refusing to engage in communication over what the wife views as a problem in the marriage.