Can a child choose which parent to live with after divorce?

Can a child choose which parent to live with after divorce?

Most states do not specify an age at which a child can choose which parent he or she lives with after a divorce. Instead, the majority of states allows a judge to consider a child’s reasonable preferences for living arrangements when making custody decisions.

When can a child legally choose not to see a parent?

Can a child choose not to visit a parent? The mere age of your child will not determine your family law matter. There have been cases before the Court where a 17 year old child’s wishes were given limited weight because the basis for this child’s decision was not balanced.

Can a child be forced to see a parent?

If the court has made an order for contact, it will expect the resident parent to encourage the child to have contact and ensure that it takes place. However, the child may simply refuse to have contact with the non-resident parent. It is possible that the non-resident parent will take the case to court.

Can I keep my child away from his father’s girlfriend?

You may or may not be able to stop the other parent’s significant other from being around your child. In general, you do not have the power to dictate which adults are around your child when they are with the other parent. When you have your child, you can decide who is present.

Can I keep my child away from his father?

The answer is usually no, a parent cannot stop a child from seeing the other parent unless a court order states otherwise. This question often comes up in the following situations. The parents (whether married or unmarried) are no longer together and the child resides with one of the parents.

How long should you wait before introducing your child to a new partner?

six months

How do I get my child to accept a new partner?

The best thing you can do is to take your time, do things progressively and tell your children bit by bit so they can accept and digest all that information as they go along. After all you have to start somewhere, and you will be happy and relieved you told the truth at the right time. Give yourself some time.

Can my ex stop me seeing my child with my new partner?

I’m often asked if there is a way for a parent to stop their child spending time with the other parent’s new partner. The short answer is no. Both parents have parental responsibility and they are able to exercise that responsibility in whatever way they see fit.

How do you introduce a new significant other to a child?

Ask your kids for their input on where they would like to go for a first meeting. It’s probably best to set up the first meeting somewhere other than your home. Consider a neutral location like a park or restaurant. Limit the length of time for the first meeting and debrief with your kids as soon as it’s over.