Can you modify a divorce decree in Georgia?

Can you modify a divorce decree in Georgia?

It is possible to modify certain aspects of your divorce settlement. When can you modify? Not everything concerning your divorce decree qualifies for a modification. It usually only applies to alimony, child support, parenting plans, child custody and visitation schedules, and excludes division of property and assets.

What happens if I can’t refinance after divorce?

If you’re not willing or able to sell or refinance your home, your other choice is to keep the home and the mortgage intact. Both parties remain on the loan and liable for the payment. This requires specific language in the divorce agreement about who will make the mortgage payments each month.

Should I refinance before or after divorce?

Starting the refinance process before the divorce is filed is by far the quickest and easiest path. This is because, when you talk to your mortgage lender about refinancing, they will ask you your marital status.