How do I find out if there is a lien on my property in Florida?

How do I find out if there is a lien on my property in Florida?

Liens are recorded and indexed using the property owner(s) name and by legal description. If you are inquiring about a specific lien and know the year in which it was recorded, you may contact the Official Records Department at (407) 836-5115.

How do I find out if someone died in Florida?

To find out more about Florida Death Records, call the Florida Department of Health and Vital Statistics at

Who can legally marry you in Florida?

Section 741.07, Florida Statutes, provides that the following persons are authorized to solemnize matrimony: State judicial officers (judges) Retired state judicial officers. Federal judges serving in a court with jurisdiction over a part of this state (per Attorney General informal opinion, )

Can you get married the same day in Florida?

Yes, for Florida residents. Marriage license applications are issued the same day as requested as long as all requirements are met. But there is a 3-day waiting period to be married for couples who live in Florida but do not provide proof that they have completed a premarital preparation course.

Do you need a witness to get married in Florida?

A: Although the marriage certificate has spaces for two witnesses to sign, witnesses are not specifically required by law. A Florida marriage license is good in any county in Florida. However, after the marriage is solemnized, the license must be returned to the county that issued it for recording.

Can a notary marry you in Florida?

Florida is one of only three states (the other two are South Carolina and Maine) which authorize their Notaries Public to “solemnize the rites of matrimony.” A Florida Notary may perform a marriage ceremony providing the couple first obtain a marriage license from an authorized Florida official and may only perform a …

How much does a courthouse wedding cost in Florida?

License Fee The fee for a marriage license is $93.50. There is an exception if both parties are Florida residents and have provided proof of attendance at a premarital class given by a certified provider. The fee is reduced to $61.