How do I get my marriage certificate from Reno Nevada?

How do I get my marriage certificate from Reno Nevada?

For a copy of the marriage license or license application, please contact the Washoe County Clerk’s Office at or visit the clerk’s website. To request a copy of your marriage certificate, please see our marriage certificate information page.

Can you hide being married?

Without registering for a “confidential marriage”, marriages are normally public record. That said, it’s difficult to hide a marriage from people who are close to you (including family, friends, and employers) if you start to act like a married couple.

What states have confidential marriage licenses?

Fortunately, secretive couples in California are in luck—California is the only state that allows couples to obtain a confidential marriage license.

When did California stop requiring blood test for marriage?

The blood test you mentioned was for syphilis. It ended in 1980. If either person tested positive, Bengsch says, the county would not grant a marriage license until the infection was treated.

Can you get married in California if you are not a resident?

California requires a picture ID such as driver’s license or other valid identification. You do not have to be a resident of California to apply for a marriage license in the state.

Can you get married in California without a marriage license?

To be legally married, a couple must obtain a valid marriage license. It’s a legal document typically issued by the county in which the couple gets married. Once received, the license must be solemnized with a ceremony conducted by someone recognized as having the legal power do so.