How do you prove a father is unfit in Nevada?

How do you prove a father is unfit in Nevada?

Best Interests Of The Child Are Paramount The relevant statute says that an unfit parent in Nevada is one who by reason of the parent’s fault, habit or conduct toward others (the child, or other people involved in raising the child), cannot give the child the appropriate care, guidance and support.

Can a convicted felon get full custody of a child?

You can get child custody if you have a felony record, though it will be difficult. Ultimately, a judge makes custody determinations on the basis of what is in the child’s best interests, and your criminal record will definitely be something the judge considers.

Do incarcerated fathers have rights?

While they may lose various civil rights during their time in prison, their access to the family court system is retained. Imprisoned parents can still ask the courts for a specific and realistic plan for contact with their kids, whether that be in person visits or phone calls or letters.