How much does it cost to file divorce in Las Vegas?

How much does it cost to file divorce in Las Vegas?

The Basics: Fees in All Cases A petition for divorce generally costs between $300 and $400. You may also pay a fee when you finalize your decree of divorce or judgment of divorce. The court may charge you for copies.

Which is better divorce or dissolution?

A dissolution is often the best way to proceed when terminating a marriage because it is generally faster in ending the marriage than a divorce and it is less expensive.

Can you remarry after dissolution?

You are able to remarry or enter into a civil union as soon as the dissolution order has taken effect.

Can I get a dissolution of marriage without an attorney?

Applying for a dissolution is relatively simple, and you don’t need a lawyer. Making a joint application together is the simpler and faster way – it can usually be dealt with by the Family Court Registrar without a hearing and without you having to go in to the court at all.

Can a judge say no to a divorce?

In the event that the divorce is contested, the judge may deny a divorce if they do not deem there to be sufficient grounds for the divorce. This however is very rare, and it is generally quite unlikely that a judge will refuse to grant the divorce.