How does separate property become marital property?

How does separate property become marital property?

When separate property is commingled with property obtained by a couple while they are married, it becomes part of the marital estate and is required by law to be split between each spouse, either by the spouses if they can agree, or by a judge if necessary.

Why do husbands hide money from their wives?

Women often stash cash if they want to leave the relationship and need money to be able to do it; men also hide cash or assets if they see a split looming. Other times, people hide money because they know their spending is out of control – and don’t want to be called on it.

Should a husband give his wife money?

A wife has the legal right to secure basic amenities and comfort—food, clothes, residence, education and medical treatment— for herself and her children from the husband. So, understand that as a homemaker, you should not have to ask your husband for money; he is bound by law to provide it to you.

Is it bad to hide money from your spouse?

In most situations, hiding money from your partner or spouse is a bad idea and can perpetuate relationship problems. But there are tough situations that can warrant some secrecy, such as abuse and the end of a relationship. In those circumstances, be cautious and protect yourself first.

What is financial infidelity in a marriage?

Financial infidelity occurs when couples with combined finances lie to each other about money. For example, one partner may hide significant debts in a separate account while the other partner is unaware.