Can you get a divorce in PA without a lawyer?

Can you get a divorce in PA without a lawyer?

If you are considering a divorce in Pennsylvania, you can do it with or without a lawyer. However, you will be held to the same standard as attorneys. There are two types of divorce in Pennsylvania: no fault/ mutual consent 3301(c) and no fault/ applicable time of separation 3301(d).

What if spouse refuses to sign divorce papers in Pennsylvania?

If your spouse refuses to agree to a divorce, you may have no choice but to file a fault based divorce in PA. For a free consultation on your divorce case, contact the Philadelphia family lawyers at The Sadek and Cooper Law Offices today. Call today for your free consultation.

How long does a divorce take in PA if one party doesn’t agree?

Act 102, which takes effect in 60 days, reduces the waiting period for unilateral no-fault divorce from two years to one. That means a spouse will need to wait only a year before obtaining a divorce without the other spouse’s consent.

Can you get a divorce if one person refuses?

The Court can grant a divorce order, even if the spouse refuses to sign any documents. However, it still must be proven that the spouse was served the Application for Divorce by completing an Affidavit. Our divorce lawyer advises that you must fill in this form correctly, or risk having to serve the spouse again.

How long does someone have to contest a divorce?

30 days

What happens if a divorce petition is contested?

Ultimately a Judge will decide whether the person who started the divorce (the Petitioner) is entitled to the divorce, based on the evidence given. If a divorce is contested and the Respondent is unsuccessful, it is usual for the Court to make an Order which says the Respondent must pay the Petitioner’s costs.

How can I defend myself in a divorce without a lawyer?

How to Represent Yourself in a Divorce Court without a LawyerIf you get the chance, go to the court beforehand and observe. Know the local rules. On the day of your proceeding, dress and act in the same way you would for a job interview.Make sure you bring everything and everyone you need to court. Observe all of the common courtesies.