Who gets the house in a divorce in Utah?

Who gets the house in a divorce in Utah?

One of the issues to be settled in a divorce is the division of property acquired during marriage. Utah law recognizes that both spouses contribute to the property acquired during the marriage, regardless of the income source.

What is the average cost of a divorce in Utah?

$3,000 to $3,500

How is alimony calculated in Utah?

Alimony is calculated from net income instead of gross income. Net income is your gross income minus your taxes paid to the state and federal government. And not all income needs to be included in determining alimony. Only up to 40 hours per work per week should be factored into alimony.

How can I avoid paying alimony in Utah?

Still, there might be legal options available to avoid having to pay alimony to your spouse in Utah:The financial condition and needs of your spouse do not meet the required threshold under Utah law;Your spouse’s earning capacity allows him or her to earn a living and produce income on their own;