Can I file for my Social Security at 62 and switch to spousal benefits later?

Can I file for my Social Security at 62 and switch to spousal benefits later?

In this case, you can claim your own Social Security beginning at 62 and make the switch to spousal benefits when your husband or wife files. That includes if you file early for your retirement benefit — say, at 62, as in this scenario — and switch to spousal benefits later.

Can a married couple collect two Social Security checks?

No. Each spouse can claim their own retirement benefit based solely on their individual earnings history. You can both collect your full amounts at the same time. However, your spouse’s earnings could affect the overall amount you get from Social Security, if you receive spousal benefits.

Can my wife get my Social Security if I die?

If My Spouse Dies, Can I Collect Their Social Security Benefits? A surviving spouse can collect 100 percent of the late spouse’s benefit if the survivor has reached full retirement age, but the amount will be lower if the deceased spouse claimed benefits before he or she reached full retirement age.