Does it matter who files for divorce first in Wisconsin?

Does it matter who files for divorce first in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin is a no fault state. Therefore, it does not matter who files or initiates the divorce action in Wisconsin. Further, there is really no advantage as to who files a divorce action.

Do lawyers have to be involved in a divorce?

Yes, you can get a divorce without a lawyer. Most people do not use a lawyer when they are getting a divorce. The only necessary ground for divorce today is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably and that there is no reasonable likelihood of you and your spouse getting back together.

Can you date while separated in Wisconsin?

Can you date while separated in Wisconsin? As to dating, there is no law about when this can begin. However, before a new significant relationship begins, it is important to consider how dating may affect certain orders, such as placement of the children or maintenance.

Is it illegal to cheat on your spouse in Wisconsin?

Adultery is illegal in Wisconsin. It is a Class I felony punishable with a fine of up to $10,000 or even jail time. However, criminal charges of cheating are rarely pursued, in WI courtrooms.