Are North Carolina court records public?

Are North Carolina court records public?

§ 132-1, and a specific statute about court records, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7A-109(a). The court records statute requires that all records be open to public inspection, except as prohibited by law.

Are police reports public record in North Carolina?

Police misconduct and discipline records The reasons for dismissals and demotions are public record. In North Carolina, letters of resignation are not public records, but in some cases, the agency can release the record if the integrity of the department is at stake. Employees can also release the letter on their own.

How can I tell if I’m divorced?

Ask the court clerk’s office for help. The counter clerk can look records up for you and confirm whether a divorce has been filed. If so, you can get copies of the documents for a small fee.

Why would court records be sealed?

Having your record sealed makes it so this criminal record is inaccessible without a court order. In some cases, it may not show up at all in a check of your history, and you are legally able to deny that the event ever happened.

How do I seal my divorce records in Texas?

The basic rule in this case is that a Court has complete discretion on whether or not to seal the record. Under Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 76(a) court records may be sealed only upon a party’s written motion. Court records may be sealed only upon a party’s written motion, which shall be open to public inspection.

How can I seal my record in Texas?

In Texas, if you want to seal your criminal record, you will need to seek an order of nondisclosure. As mentioned above, an order of nondisclosure prohibits law enforcement or courts from disclosing your criminal record related to the order.

Are child custody cases public record in Texas?

The records are public. They’re not the clerks’ records; they’re the public’s records.” Only civil court documents are accessible through re:SearchTX, and even those are limited to exclude family cases such as divorce and child custody. “They are open for public inspection.”

How can a mother lose custody of her child in Texas?

Physical or emotional abuse of the father or sibling: No child should witness abuse. If a mother exposes a child to physical abuse of the father or the child’s sibling, that is proper grounds for the mother to lose custody of the child.

Can a child choose which parent to live with in Texas?

When can my child decide which parent to live with? In Texas, a child’s decision cannot be the sole factor in determining which parent the child lives with. However, once the child reaches the age of 12, and upon motion, the court can consider the child’s wishes as to whom he/she wishes to live with.

Can I move out of Texas with my child?

When the primary parent wants to move outside the designated geographic area, he or she must petition the court for permission. When parents do not have a legal custody agreement in place, nothing prevents either parent from moving out of state with the children.

Can a father stop a mother from moving?

Stopping a custodial parent from moving away with your child usually requires invoking the court with appropriate jurisdiction over your case. You will likely need to file a motion arguing that the move constitutes a material change of circumstances and/or that the move away is not in the child’s best interests.

Can my husband stop me from moving out of state?

Nope! Either you will need to consent, or she will need a court order. The court will grant her permission only after she presents a visitation schedule that is “reasonable”.

Can divorced parents move out of state?

These “move-away cases” are among the most difficult types of custody disputes. Typically, a parent can’t move a child to another county or state without prior approval from the court that issued the original custody order. A judge could even change custody arrangements in favor of the noncustodial parent.

How far away can a divorced parent move?

It’s true that if you share custody that you may be required to give notice of the move if you’re planning on moving farther than 20 miles, but Kessler says, “the best idea is to renegotiate before the move.” So if you’re looking to move farther than 20 miles, change schools, or will need to change visitation because …

Can I move my child away from his father?

Only the mother has automatic Parental Responsibility, unless she married the father at any point. Therefore, a mother may be able to take her children away if the father never married her or wasn’t on the birth certificate. However, the father could apply for a court order to prevent her from moving the children away.

Can my ex stop me from moving away?

Can he stop the move? Brette’s Answer: He can’t stop you from moving but he could seek to modify the visitation based on the change in circumstances – because it would be a longer drive. It would be up to the judge to decide.

Can I move without telling my child’s father?

If not, he has no legal rights without filing a Paternity action. If so, you should file a custody action before leaving the state. An experienced attorney can help you address the move in the paperwork and get permission from the court to relocate. It’s then the court that has to grant permission, not the father.

Can my ex leave my child with his wife?

Custody and Parenting Time Agreements in California Whether or not your ex-spouse can leave the state with your child depends on the terms of your custody agreement. If your ex-spouse claims he or she could not find you to ask for permission, your ex-spouse will need to go to court for permission instead.

Do I have the right to know who my child is around?

Each parent is entitled to know where the children are during visitations. They should also know if the children are left with other people such as babysitters or friends when the other parent is not there. Both parents should realize that visitation schedules may change as children age and their needs change.

Do I have to tell my ex wife my new address?

You don’t have to disclose your new address, but if you don’t, the court may not look favorably upon your decision unless there is a good reason for you to not disclose. It’s just a matter of co-parenting and courtesy to disclose where the children will be staying.

Do I have to tell my ex wife where I live?

Unless the court orders you to provide you physical address to your ex, you do not have to give it.

How do I prove I am a better parent in court?

Prove You’re the Better Parent

  1. The physical well-being of the child: For example, focus on your child’s routine, sleeping habits, eating schedule, and after-school activities.
  2. The psychological well-being of the child: For example, making sure that the child has access to liberal visitation with the other parent.

What age will a judge listen to a child?

Although the law specifically permits children at least 14-years-old to express an opinion, there is no specific age when a judge will listen to a child’s opinion. California statutes also permit a child younger than 14 years old to testify regarding a custodial preference, unless the court decides it’s not in the …

How do you prove best interest of the child?

You can demonstrate this by showing that you have enrolled your child in school, are involved in his or her education and upbringing, have participated in extracurricular activities, and have made other parenting decisions demonstrating an interest in nurturing your child.

What makes an unfit father?

What exactly is an unfit parent? The legal definition of an unfit parent is when the parent through their conduct fails to provide proper guidance, care, or support. Also, if there is abuse, neglect, or substance abuse issues, that parent will be deemed unfit.