Can I force sale of house after divorce?

Can I force sale of house after divorce?

Yes. The court can make an order for the matrimonial home to be put on the market as part of the divorce settlement. These types of court orders are known as Property Adjustment Orders. They can require the immediate sale of property – or a deferred sale (eg after any children reach 18).

Are texts enough evidence to convict?

Generally not. The legal doctrine of corpus delecti generally prevents convictions based solely on people talking about a crime or crimes. There has to be some other evidence tending to prove that the crime actually took place. So texting about drugs is maybe not enough.

Can police use text messages as evidence?

Police can use text messages as evidence in a criminal case. This type of digital evidence is rarely available to the defendant or law enforcement without a court order requiring a cell phone company to preserve the evidence….

Can texts be used against you?

Some legal experts argue using personal texting as evidence is an invasion of privacy, but if the court deems the content of the texts relevant to the case, they will most likely be admitted as evidence. In order for text messages to be admissible, you must also prove who wrote and sent the text.

Is sending abusive texts illegal?

Is this a criminal offence? If a person sends threatening/abusive/offensive messages to another person via Facebook, Twitter, or any other social networking site, they could be committing an offence. The most relevant offences are ‘harassment’ and ‘malicious communications’.

Is texting someone a lot harassment?

Is It Harassment to Text Someone Repeatedly? The short answer is yes. When you receive repeated text messages, it can count as harassment.

Is it illegal to read peoples text messages?

The common rule is that it is illegal to spy on text messages because it violates a person’s privacy. By spying, it’s meant unauthorized surveillance over one’s mobile device without their consent. On the other hand, there are circumstances under which one person can track text messages from one cell phone of another….