What is considered abandonment in a marriage in SC?

What is considered abandonment in a marriage in SC?

What Constitutes Abandonment. Desertion is defined as living apart for at least one year without consent of the deserted spouse and without appropriate justification. In addition, the deserting spouse must not intend to resume living with the deserted spouse.

Can a spouse be charged with abandonment?

What Is Considered Marital Abandonment? Legally, an individual is required to take care of an ailing dependent spouse or any minor children. If the spouse leaves the family and is unreachable or refuses to take care of the family financially, this can be considered criminal spousal abandonment.

What qualifies as abandonment in a marriage?

Abandonment means that one spouse has left the other without consent, but like adultery proving desertion means more than that a person left home without the consent of the other spouse. Many times spouses abandoned marriages because they could not get a divorce any other way.