What is the statute of limitations for small claims court in North Carolina?

What is the statute of limitations for small claims court in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, the statute of limitations for small claims is typically three years, but that can change depending on the specifics of your case. A small claims attorney can help provide insight on the statute of limitations for your case and make sure everything is filed well in advance of the deadline.

How do I take someone to small claims court in NC?

Your case must be filed with the clerk of court in the county where at least one defendant lives. If the defendants are businesses, then you would file it in the county where they do business or have a business location.

How much does it cost to take someone to small claims court in NC?

Suing someone in Small Claims Court costs money. For each lawsuit, the plaintiff must pay a $96 filing fee to the clerk of court. You pay an additional $30 fee for each defendant to cover the cost of the sheriff getting the proper legal forms to the defendant.

How much does it cost to file for a divorce in NC?

The fee for filing a case for divorce is currently $225.00. If you are including a claim for Resumption of Maiden Name, there may be an additional $10.00 fee. These fees are subject to change. If you cannot afford the filing fee, also take the Petition to Proceed as an Indigent and ask to speak with a Clerk.