Can a mother spends child support on anything?

Can a mother spends child support on anything?

The custodial parent has the legal right to spend child support payments in the best interests of the child, or how they see fit. Further, the custodial parent also has a legal obligation to spend child support payments for the child’s expenses, and not their own.

What expenses are considered child support?

Child support, at its simplest, is meant to help with the “normal” expenses associated with raising a child. These normal expenses include food, shelter, transportation, clothing, and certain educational costs.

Are school supplies covered under child support?

Child support is meant to help with the living expenses of the child. This includes things like food, diapers, clothing, personal care items, school supplies, and, generally, basic extracurricular activities. There are also ‘special or extraordinary’ expenses that can be paid in addition to the table amount.

Does child support include cell phones?

In a shared parenting situation parents will often agree that additional expenses such as major clothing items, all extra-curricular, school supplies, school fees and cell phones are to be split either 50/50 or as a Section 7 expense. Some will allow cell phones and others will not.

Does child support include clothes?

Child Support covers expenses for children such as food, housing, clothes, school costs and other extra-curricular activities. When a parent applies to the CSA, a mathematical formula is applied to determine how much child support should be paid.