Can I bring someone to mediation with me?

Can I bring someone to mediation with me?

When you attend mediation, you may usually bring anyone with you that you believe will be helpful in coming to an agreement. The purpose of mediation is for you and the party you are having a dispute with to talk things through, listen to each other, compromise and come up with a plan that works.

What should I ask for in custody mediation?

The most common topics that are discussed and resolved in child custody mediation are things like living arrangements or relocation, child support, health issues, education and religion, how time will be split between parents and how school holidays will be spent, overseas travel and the division of payments for things …

Who attends divorce mediation?

In divorce mediation, you and your spouse—or, in some cases, the two of you and your respective lawyers—hire a neutral third party, called a mediator, to meet with you in an effort to discuss and resolve the issues in your divorce.

What do you talk about in mediation?

What will we talk about in mediation? Parents can use mediation to talk about many issues. You can discuss your concerns about legal issues such as parenting time, legal custody, property division, and child support.

Who speaks during mediation?

Q: How does mediation work? A: Mediation is held in a conference room. The mediator welcomes the parties and counsel, if any, conducts introductions, and spends perhaps 10 minutes or so talking about the process of mediation.