Can step child stay on insurance after divorce?

Can step child stay on insurance after divorce?

Coverage of Stepchildren after Divorce Your stepchildren are not covered even though they may have been covered previously by your Self and Family enrollment. However, they may qualify for a TCC enrollment of their own.

Can my ex husband take me off his health insurance?

The Exception. Of course, if both spouses have their own health insurance through their workplace, then you are likely to find that there is no issue whatsoever and you removing your spouse off of your plan. They are still covered after all, so you will have no issue with removing the other spouse from your plan.

Is cash value life insurance protected from divorce?

Term life insurance is generally treated as a separate property in divorce, since the financial assets of the policy — the death benefit — are not accessible while you’re alive. If you have a permanent policy with a cash value, it may be treated as a marital asset during divorce proceedings.

Can an ex wife collect life insurance benefits?

Generally, life insurance benefits are paid to the named beneficiary, regardless of his or her status as a spouse. However, there are instances where an ex-spouse is not eligible to collect life insurance benefits even if he or she is the named beneficiary on the policy.

Can life insurance beneficiaries be contested?

Contesting a life insurance beneficiary is difficult and may result in a legal battle. It can consume a lot of time, energy and money. The final decision rests in the hands of the courts, not in those of the insurance companies. And it’s simply difficult for someone to challenge a life insurance policy contract.