Can you be forced to be a witness?

Can you be forced to be a witness?

The general rule is that anyone who is competent can be compelled (forced) by the court to give evidence in a criminal or civil case. You are considered to be a competent witness if you are capable of giving admissible or allowable evidence in court.

Does the victim have to go to court?

Before the hearing date or any other date the victim is required to attend court, the police officer in charge of the investigation is responsible for making contact with the victim by letter or phone. They are also responsible for explaining the trial process to victims of crime and explaining the role of a witness.

What happens if victim doesn’t show up for court?

The prosecutor cannot compel a person to show up in court unless the victim or witness has been properly served with a subpoena. If the alleged victim ignores the subpoena, the prosecutor may choose to seek a material witness warrant. The judge decides whether a warrant can issue, not the prosecutor.