Does my husband agree to unreasonable Behaviour?

Does my husband agree to unreasonable Behaviour?

If your spouse has cited your unreasonable behaviour as the reason for the breakdown of your marriage, and you don’t agree to this then you are legally entitled to defend the allegations.

What is unreasonable Behaviour divorce?

“Unreasonable behaviour” is the term used to describe the fact that a person has behaved in such a way that their partner/spouse cannot reasonably be expected to live with them. It is important to understand there is no definitive list of unreasonable behaviours used in divorce petitions.

Is it worth defending a divorce?

In almost all divorces, there is no benefit in pursuing a defended divorce. If you receive a behaviour petition and you do not accept the allegations, it may be possible to amend the petition in such a way that is acceptable to both parties. All the Court would see is the petition proceeding on an undefended basis.

What happens if husband contests divorce?

A divorce trial is held if your spouse contests the divorce. If he or she contests the divorce, a Statement of Defence will be filed. In this document objections to some or all of the claims will be made. For example, he or she may object to the grounds for divorce or to your claim for custody or financial support.

How do I protect myself in a divorce case?

How to Represent Yourself in a Divorce Court without a LawyerIf you get the chance, go to the court beforehand and observe. Know the local rules. On the day of your proceeding, dress and act in the same way you would for a job interview.Make sure you bring everything and everyone you need to court. Observe all of the common courtesies.