How do I find out if a divorce has been filed in Texas?

How do I find out if a divorce has been filed in Texas?

Texas marriage and divorce records are available at the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Certified copies of marriage licenses and divorce decrees are available at the office of the county clerk or district clerk where the event took place.

How do I know what state to file for divorce in?

In theory, you and your spouse may divorce in either state in which one of you resides. The majority of states require that a spouse reside in the state before filing for divorce in that state. Proof of residency may be required, and some states require six months of residency, while others require a year.

What happens with retirement accounts in a divorce?

Divorce is one of the times you can access your IRA or 401(k) before retirement and pay no tax. This happens if the judge assigns part of your account to your spouse in the divorce settlement. You spouse may receive some, all or none of your retirement account, depending on your situation.