How is child support calculated with no income?

How is child support calculated with no income?

If you don’t have a source of income and cannot afford child support, you will still be required to make a monthly child support payment. If a parent does not have a source of income, the court may calculate income based on prior work history and/or the parent’s potential earning capacity.

How much child support can be taken from unemployment in Ohio?

A: Yes. The Office of Unemployment Compensation can only deduct up to 50% of an unemployment benefit to pay the support. If your unemployment compensation benefits are insufficient to meet your entire obligation, arrears (past due) support will accrue on the order.

How do I get my child support lowered in Ohio?

If either parent wants to change the child support order in Ohio, they can either request an administrative review from the county Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) or they can go to court for the modification. The modification is reviewed in accordance with the parents’ current financial situation.