What is negligent treatment?

What is negligent treatment?

3. + New List. Negligent treatment or ‘maltreatment’ means failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care that includes medical neglect, and the deprivation is not due to the lack of financial means of his or her parent, guardian, or other custodian.

What is patient neglect?

Patient neglect, defined as “the failure of a designated care giver to meet the needs of a dependent” [1] (p. 437), has become an issue of concern in both North America and Europe [2,3].

Can I sue my doctor for negligence?

Yes, you can sue when a doctor gets your illness or injury wrong. This is called “misdiagnosis” and is part of the legal field called medical malpractice. The umbrella to this legal area is personal injury law. Personal injury cases are civil cases, not criminal cases.

How do you prove misdiagnosis?

A patient trying to prove misdiagnosis must show that a doctor in the same or similar specialty would not have misdiagnosed the illness or injury. The plaintiff will have to show that the doctor did not include the correct diagnosis on the list and that a competent doctor would have included it.