What is number 1 cause of divorce?

What is number 1 cause of divorce?

And while the reasons vary, a common thread for the majority of divorces includes money problems. In fact, some studies suggest that money problems in a marriage are the number one cause of divorce. The financial and emotional toll of a divorce can debilitate individuals and devastate families.

Can finances ruin a relationship?

The problem is that it can cause serious relationship problems in any form. Plus, dishonesty about finances could lead to problems such as hidden credit card debt that delays common relationship milestones such as buying a home together. Financial infidelity is something both partners should agree never to engage in.

What is the money given by husband to wife called?


How do you live with your wife who doesn’t love you?

What should I do if my wife doesn’t love me anymore?Sometimes, stepping up your game helps. Buy your wife a gift, be more affectionate, and remind her of the person she married.Give her space. Figure out the reason why. If she agrees to it, go to a couples counselor. If your wife doesn’t love you anymore, you may just want to end the relationship.