Can military members file for divorce in any state?

Can military members file for divorce in any state?

Generally speaking, military members and their spouses have three choices when it comes to where they can file for divorce: The state where the spouse filing resides; The state where the military member is stationed; or. The state where the military member claims legal residency.

What happens if you divorce someone in the military?

Generally, the military views divorce as a private civil matter to be addressed by a civilian court. Military legal assistance offices can help with this. The Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act is a federal law that provides certain benefits to former spouses of military members.6 days ago

How are military divorce papers served overseas?

If your spouse is either deployed or will soon be deployed on active duty when you plan to serve the divorce papers, you can request that they sign a special waiver form. In such a form, your spouse would be assenting to giving up the special legal protections their military service provides in this situation.