Can you record someone without their consent in Oklahoma?

Can you record someone without their consent in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma’s Security of Communications Act provides that it is illegal to record an in-person or telephone communication without the consent of at least one party or to record a communication with criminal or tortious intent. Illegal recording is a felony punishable by fine and/or imprisonment.

Can you video record someone without their consent in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma Statute §21-1171, commonly known as the “Peeping Tom” law, prohibits the use of video equipment in a clandestine manner to record others without consent in areas where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Can you record police in Oklahoma?

You can legally film or record police officers in public as long as your actions do not interfere with the officer’s duties. Set your device down and follow the officer’s instructions.

Are unmarked police cars legal in Oklahoma?

The State of Oklahoma hereby declares and states that the increased number of persons impersonating law enforcement officers by making routine traffic stops while using unmarked cars is a threat to the public health and safety of all the citizens of the State of Oklahoma; therefore it shall be unlawful for any …

Can you refuse to sign a ticket in Oklahoma?

Your acceptance and signature on a traffic ticket is not an admission of guilt, however, the refusal to sign a traffic ticket may result in your arrest. (The name of the officer and law enforcement agency will be on the ticket or you may ask the officer to provide this information).