Do screenshots hold up in court?

Do screenshots hold up in court?

Screenshots of digital messages are regularly served as evidence in criminal cases, usually to support allegations like harassment and malicious communications. However, they can appear in any case where digital messages are capable of supporting the prosecution case.

Is it illegal to take screenshots of text messages?

There is no legal assumption of privacy on the Internet (that’s why google can sell your information), so for a personal record of the conversation, yes you can screenshot it. Text messages are not considered private conversations and since you are texting about someone else.

Is it illegal to share DMS?

The legality for publishing recordings of conversations/interactions in any medium is based on whether there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, and whether it would be highly offensive to a reasonable person. So no, it is probably not illegal to post conversations.

Can you share text messages legally?

Yes, it is legal to forward text messages, unless (1) you have a contract with the friend that requires him to keep the materials secret, or (2) you have a recognized legal relationship of privacy such as attorney-client or doctor-patient, or (3)…