Does child support continue through college in Oklahoma?

Does child support continue through college in Oklahoma?

Presently, Oklahoma law does not give judges the power to make a parent support a child beyond the age of 19, unless the child is physically or mentally disabled. However, the parents can agree that child support is to continue into the college years and such an agreement will be enforced by the Family Law Court.

Is there a statute of limitations on child support in Oklahoma?

Enforcement of past due child support in Oklahoma is not subject to a Statute of Limitations.

What age can a child choose which parent to live with in Oklahoma?


How often can child support be modified in Oklahoma?

every three years

What is child support used for in Oklahoma?

The court may order either or both parents to make regular payments for a child’s living and medical expenses. These payments are called child support. Child support payments are a basic legal right of children. Regular child support payments reduce child poverty and the need for public assistance.

Does child support come out of unemployment Oklahoma?

Without going back to court, CSS can deduct child support from wages, unemployment, workers compensation, or retirement benefits. Depending on the facts of the case CSS can request passport denial, report to credit bureaus, take tax refunds, and seize bank accounts, lottery winnings, and insurance proceeds.