How do I protect my LLC from divorce?

How do I protect my LLC from divorce?

5 Ways to Protect Your Business from DivorceForm an LLC, Trust or Corporation. Forming an LLC or corporation can help protect your business assets in case of divorce, especially if you incorporate before you get married. Sign a Prenuptial Agreement. Keep Your Spouse Out of the Business. Pay Yourself a Competitive Salary. ‘Pay Off’ Your Spouse.

Can Facebook posts be used as evidence in court?

Article Is Facebook Evidence Admissible in a Court of Law? Whether you’re looking for answers on Facebook posts and comments, Instagram pictures, Twitter tweets or YouTube videos, the short answer is yes; both public and private social media content can be admissible in litigation.

Can Facebook screenshots be used in court?

Your social media posts can be used as evidence against you During the course of the litigation, defendants presented the court with that person’s post-accident photos posted to her Facebook account.