How do I seal my divorce record in California?

How do I seal my divorce record in California?

In order to seal your divorce records, a court order is required. A court order will not be given simply because both you and your spouse agree to the sealing process. You are required to file an application with reasons that will justify your request.

Why would divorce records be sealed?

Under What Circumstances Can Divorce Records be Sealed? Divorce records are sealed in cases involving vulnerable minors when privatizing the details and remaining anonymous is in the best interests of the children.

How do I file a sealed document in California?

A party requesting that a record be filed under seal must file a motion or an application for an order sealing the record. The motion or application must be accompanied by a memorandum and a declaration containing facts sufficient to justify the sealing.

How do I seal a court record in California?

If you have been arrested and no charges were filed, PC 851.8 requires that you submit a “Petition to Seal and Destroy Arrest Records” to the arresting law enforcement agency. The agency then has the option to agree to the petition or deny it. If granted, the police will seal your records for three years.

How do you lodge a document with the court?

How to file a formRegister or log in to the Online Registry.Click on the ‘Start or defend a case’ tab.Select the appropriate form.Complete the form online.Pay the appropriate fee to submit your form.

Where do I go to get my record expunged?

A person seeking to have an arrest or criminal conviction expunged from their record must usually fill out an application or petition, and submit the paperwork to the proper criminal court for a judge’s review and decision. In most jurisdictions, a fee must be paid in conjunction with the filing of the application.