What happens when custodial parent denies visitation?

What happens when custodial parent denies visitation?

If the custodial parent violates the injunction, you may file a motion for contempt. If the court finds the custodial parent denied you visitation without a good reason, the custodial parent may be held in contempt, ordered to make up lost visitation, and ordered to pay your attorney fees.

Can I call the police if I am denied visitation?

If you’ve been granted visitation already by the court, and your ex is overtly denying your visitation rights, then it’s time to escalate matters and call the police. Call the police. In most situations, the police will not take sides. Instead, they will take notes, which the courts will have the opportunity to review.

Can a mother leave the state without the father’s consent?

In this situation, the custodial parent will likely have to go to court, and ask a judge for permission to move the child out-of-state. Typically, a parent can’t move a child to another county or state without prior approval from the court that issued the original custody order.

Can I take my child out of state for vacation without fathers permission?

If no custody order exists, a short trip without court permission is allowed under normal circumstances. If a non-custodial parent takes the child out of state without the custodial parent’s permission or the court’s permission, he or she may lose rights of the child if a custody determination does take place.