What is in the best interest of the child in custody?

What is in the best interest of the child in custody?

The child’s best interests are both long-term concerns and short-term concerns and they include the consideration of the child’s physical and emotional well being and their health, financial, educational, moral, cultural and religious interests.

What evidence can you use in custody case?

The most common types of evidence offered in a child custody case includes witnesses, journals, emails, text messages, voicemails, letters, photographs, videos, audio recordings, schedules, and records such as financial, medical, school and police reports.

What questions does a gal ask a child?

A CR or GAL may often ask the child, “What their parent(s) told them before this meeting,” or “What did your parent tell you to tell me.” Remember, children are typically candidly forthcoming, and so the best answer for the CR or GAL is to hear is simply “They told me to be honest,” and to not hear any specifics about …

What will the guardian ad litem ask my child?

The GAL will want to know if your kids are involved in sports after school, or if they go to before/after care. They will want to know dinner times, homework time, bed times. By getting an idea of the child’s schedule, he or she will get to know a bit about the child before even meeting them.

What does a gal look for?

The GAL acts as an investigator for the court. The GAL investigates all aspects of the case, writes a report about his or her findings, and also gives recommendations to the court as to what should happen to the child. The GAL works in the best interests of the child. The investigation is very in-depth.

What does a custody evaluator look for in a home visit?

In the course of such observations, evaluators shall be attentive to (1) signs of reciprocal connection and attention; (2) communication skills; (3) methods by which parents maintain control, where doing so is appropriate; (4) parental expectations relating to developmentally appropriate behavior; and, (5) when parents …

What do you do when your child refuses to see the father?

Encouraging ContactRemember your role as a parent. Keep in mind that you are the one calling the shots, not your child. Talk to your child about why they don’t want to go. Get your co-parent involved. Make parenting time transitions as smooth as possible.

What do social workers look for in home visits for custody?

Typically when a social worker visits your home, they are looking for any safety hazards and whether or not you have enough space for the child. They would also check for basic safety items, such as a fire alarm, fire extinguisher, and covered electrical outlets.

How do you fail a home study?

6 Reasons People Fail the Home StudyFelony Conviction. People with any kind of criminal record that involves child abuse or neglect, domestic violence, sex crime, or any crimes against children likely will not be approved in a home study process. Health Issues. Other Family Members. Financial Difficulties. Unstable and Unsafe Home. Dishonesty.

Why do social workers check bedrooms?

Is the social worker check allowed to check my fridge, cupboards and my child’s bedroom? This is because they are required by law to find out as much information as they can that is relevant to your child’s situation to help them make a decision about any risk to your child.

Do social services spy on you?

Social workers do not have a duty in law to track missing members of the public. Researching Reform also shared research from America which offered alarming insight into how social workers were using the internet to spy on families with no regard for the law.

Can a social worker speak to a child alone?

Yes. The social worker will want to speak to your child alone, but they should ask you before they do so (unless there are exceptional circumstances, for example they are concerned that you might threaten your child or try to make your child stay silent, or your child doesn’t want you involved).