What questions should a woman ask a divorce lawyer?

What questions should a woman ask a divorce lawyer?

Ten Questions to Ask a Divorce Attorney

  • Do you specialize in divorces, or are divorces just a part of your practice?
  • What is your strategy for my case?
  • How long do you take to return phone calls?
  • Will anyone else in your office be working on my case?
  • How will you charge me?

Should you get a lawyer for divorce?

If you and your spouse agree on all the terms of your divorce, you can file for an uncontested divorce without the help of a lawyer. However, it is always advisable to at least have a lawyer look through your agreement in an uncontested divorce to make sure that your rights and interests are protected.

What are my rights as a father in Oklahoma?

Similar to other states’ lack of fathers rights, dads rights in Oklahoma City are nonexistent if a child is born out of wedlock. A dad has no legal rights to his child in terms of child custody or visitation without a court order whereas the mother is automatically given rights regarding custody and visitation.

Can a child refuse visitation in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, a court may deny visitation of the child due to abuse and neglect. Courts look to the best interests of the child when determining such matters as custody and visitation. When both parents can meaningfully contribute to a child’s life, the courts try to balance parenting time with both parents.

At what age can a child refuse visitation in Oklahoma?

When can my child decide which parent to live with? In Oklahoma, a minor child can express a preference as to where he or she chooses to live at the age of twelve (12).

Is Oklahoma a mom State?

Oklahoma is sometimes referred to as a “mother state” due to the fact that when a couple is not married but has a child together, the courts will most often grant the mother custody in the event the relationship dissolves

How can a mother lose custody of her child in Oklahoma?

Child abuse or sexual abuse is the number one reason that a mother can lose custody of her child. Sometimes this comes in the form of “corporal punishment” such as spanking or other physical acts of punishing a child – there is a fine line between discipline and physical abuse