Can a divorce settlement agreement be changed?

Can a divorce settlement agreement be changed?

At any point after receiving a divorce settlement, you can file a motion to modify certain aspects of the decree. Though courts will usually not consider amending an order regarding property division, they may agree to modify a custody, child support, or spousal maintenance order.

What happens if you break a divorce agreement?

The most drastic option if one party is breaching the marital settlement agreement is to file for contempt of the court. This is drastic because contempt of court can be a criminal charge. The punishment for this might even include jail time if the offense is serious enough.

Is there a time limit on divorce settlement?

While California has a six-month waiting period for divorces, your case will not necessarily be resolved within six months. The California divorce timeline for simple cases can often be finished in less than six months, while complicated cases could take several years to complete.

Can an ex wife get ex husband’s pension?

A pension earned during marriage is generally considered to be a joint asset of both spouses. Most retirement plans will pay pension benefits directly to divorced spouses if the domestic relations order meets certain requirements. …

How do I find hidden assets in a divorce?

Hidden Documents You may find bank statements, stock certificates, or title to property. Typically, it is easy to store documents away and hide them from the other spouse because when we have no reason to go looking for things, we do not. This may be one of the easiest and most effective ways to find hidden assets.

Can a private investigator find hidden bank accounts?

There is no comprehensive database of bank accounts in the United States and identifying undisclosed or hidden accounts is not an easy task. A seasoned private investigator may be able to identify accounts linked to an individual through interviews, public records searches, or other legitimate investigative techniques.